“Socially Distant Violets”
Recordings of Select Events at the Virtual Convention
"Making Room and Time for Your African Violets" presented by Dorothy Raymond 10/15/21
NYSAVS General Meeting 10/16/21
" Gesneriad Pollination and Seed Harvesting 101" 10/16/21
Show Schedule
Welcome to “Socially Distant Violets” our virtual show gallery. Our abbreviated show schedule awaits you below. Click on the class name to view the images for the class.
Section I Horticulture
Class 1 - Collections: Three (3) plants of the same type, can be miniatures, semiminiatures, standards, trailers, or species
Class 2 - Miniature African violets, any blossom, any foliage
Class 3 - Semiminiature African violets, any blossom, any foliage
Class 4 - Standard African violets, any blossom, any foliage
Class 5 - Trailing African violets, any size
Class 6 – Species
Class 7 – African violets in decorative or unusual containers
Class 8 - Blooming Gesneriads, any type
Class 9 - Gesneriads Grown for Ornamental Value
Section II Design
Because this is a virtual show, set your mind free and show us a design of pure imagination, whether in a niche, freestanding, submersed, suspended, or a wild container garden. Set your creativity free and do that design you've always wanted to do.
Class 10 - Flower Designs: any design style using African violet blossoms.
Class 11 - Plant Designs: any design style using African violet plants.
Class 12 - Container Gardens - dish, terrarium, or any other container you may envision.