2017 NYS AVS Fall Show


October 19 – 21, 2017 – Albany, New York

“Violets go Backpacking


Tricolor Award – Horticulture

S. 3 clone shumensis Mather EE

Won by: Beverley Williams from Brooklyn, Ontario, Canada

Best in Show

S. 3 clone shumensis Mather EE

Won by:  Beverley Williams from Brooklyn, Ontario, Canada

Second Best in Show

Mac’s Momentary Meltdown

Won by: Beverley Williams from Brooklyn, Ontario, Canada

Third Best in Show

Morgan’s Sophronia

Won by: Julie Thompson from Foxboro, Ontario, Canada

Best Standard


Won by:  Margaret Califano from Latham, New York

Second Best Standard

Tony’s Blue Magic

Won by:   Margaret Califano from Latham, New York

Best Miniature

Mac’s Momentary Meltdown

Won by:   Beverley Williams from Brooklin, Ontario Canada

Second Best Miniature

Precious Red

Won by:   Donna Coleman from Kirkville, New York

Best Semiminiature

‘Morgan’s Sophronia’

Won by:   Julie Thompson from Foxboro, Ontario Canada

Second Best Semiminiature

Lunar Lily White

Won by:   Lee Hoke from Rome, New York

Best Trailer

Rob’s Gundaroo

Won by:  Margaret Califano from Latham, New York

Second Best Trailer


Won by:  Beverley Williams from Brooklin, Ontario Canada

Best Variegated  

Jersey Snow Flakes

Won by Esther Mason from Albany, New York

2nd Best Varigated Foliage

Rob’s Combustible Pigeon

Won by:  Margaret Califano from Latham, New York

Best Saintpaulia Species 

S. 3 clone shumensis Mather EE

Won by Beverley Williams from Brooklin, Ontario Canada

Second Best Saintpaulia Species

S. brevipilosa

Won by:  Donna Coleman from Kirkville, New York

Best Vintage Violet 

Flesh Pink

Won by:   Patti Freed from Glenville, New York

Best NYSAVS Project Plant

Project Plant – Jersey Girl Trail

Won by:  Reba Spencer from North Syracuse, New York

Second Best NYSAVS Project Plant 

Project Plant – Rob’s Boolaroo

Won by: Margaret Califano from Latham, New York

Best Classic Plant 


Won by:   Margaret Califano from Latham, New York

Best NYS Semi-Miniature Collection 

Thunder Surprise, Kentucky Gooseberries, Green Dragon

Won by: Donna Coleman from Kirkville, New York

Best NYS Hybrid Trailer 


Won by Beverley Williams from Brooklin, Ontario Canada

Second Best NYS Hybrid Trailer 

Rob’s Boolaroo

Won by Margaret Califano from Latham, New York

Best Other Gesneriad 

Eucodonia ‘Adele’

Won by: Eileen McGrath from Carleton Place, Ontario Canada

Second Best Other Gesneriad 

Primulina ‘Nimbus’

Won by:  Beverley Williams from Brooklin, Ontario Canada

Best Mini Other  Gesneriad

Sinningia pusilla ‘White Sprite”

Won by Laura Buckner from Kent, New York

Best Foliage Other Gesneriad 

Episcia ‘Pink Smoke’

Won by:  Paul Kroll from East Aurora, New York

Best Petrocosmea 

Petrocosmea TT64

Won by:  Beverley Williams from Brooklin, Ontario Canada

Best Peter Shalit Hybrid 

Primulina ‘Nimbus’

Won by:  Beverley Williams from Brooklin, Ontario Canada

Best Educational Display & AVSA Information  Educational display & AVSA info

Won by :  Penny Moore from Weedsport, New York


Tricolor Award – Design


Won by: Karyn Cichocki from Lafayette, New Jersey

Best in Design 


 Won by:   Karyn Cichocki from Lafayette, New Jersey

Second Best in Design 

“Union Jack”

Won by: Paul Kroll from East Aurora, New York

Third Best in Design 


Won by: Barbara Festenstein from Rochester, New York

Best Interpretive Plant Arrangement 

“Union Jack”

Won by:  Paul Kroll from East Aurora, New York

Second Best Interpretive Plant Arrangement


Won by  Barbara Festenstein from Rochester, New York

Best Interpretive Flower Arrangement 


Won by:  Karyn Cichocki from Lafayette, New Jersey

Second Best Interpretive Flower Arrangement 

“The Greek Isles”

Won by: Paul Kroll from East Aurora, New York

Best Container Garden 

“Dish Garden”

Won by:  Paul Kroll from East Aurora, New York


Second Best Container Garden


Won by Carolyn Klein from East Meadow, New York

Best Miniature Arrangement

“Delft Pottery”

Won by Karyn Cichocki from Lafayette, New Jersey


Horticulture Sweepstakes

19 blue ribbons

Won by Donna Coleman from Kirkville, New York

Horticulture Sweepstakes Runner-Up

15 blue ribbons

Won by:   Paul Kroll from East Aurora, New York

Design Sweepstakes

6 blue ribbons

Won by:  Barbara Festenstein from Rochester, New York


Design Sweepstakes Runner-Up

5 blue ribbons

Won by:   Karyn Cichocki from Lafayette, New Jersey

Best in Class Sweepstakes


Won by  Paul Kroll from East Aurora, New York


Best in Class Sweepstakes Runner-Up


Won by  Margaret Califano from Latham, New York

Award of Merit

Primulina medica

Won by Paul Kroll from East Auror, New York

Award of Merit

CK-Pered Grozoi

Won by Beverley Williams from Brooklin, Ontario Canada

Award of Merit

“Growing Gesneriads from Seed”

Won by Karyn Cichocki from Lafayette, New Jersey

Award of Merit

Rhytidophyllum tomentosum

Won by Karyn Cichocki from Lafayette, New Jersey

Award of Merit

“Dish Garden”

Won by Carolyn Klein from East Meadow, New York