Welcome to the website of the New York State African Violet Society (NYSAVS). We are affiliated with the African Violet Society of America, Inc. (AVSA) and the African Violet Society of Canada (AVSC).
We held our 70th Convention and Show in Pittsford from October 17-19, 2024. The Hilton Garden Inn staff and facilities were so lovely that we have taken the step of securing it for our 2025 convention. Mark the dates and start making plans!
We will be posting pictures of the 2024 show winners shortly. Our show and convention is held annually in the Fall and is hosted by one of our affiliates in the great state of New York.

In addition to New York, we have members in 12 states, the provinces of British Columbia and Ontario in Canada as well as Russia. If you are interested in joining our society, please fill out the NYSAVS Membership Form.