Best in show,Best Standard, Tricolor Horticulture:Cajun’s Hot to Trot, exhibited by Douglas Burdick from Rochester, NYBest Semi-miniature: Jolly Jan, exhibited by Bob Clark from Seattle, WABest Miniature, 3rd Best in show, Best in Class sweepstakes: Precious Red, exhibited by Donna Coleman from Kirkville, NYBest Species: S.5b clone magugensis, exhibited by Joseph Palagonia from Howard Beach, NYBest Gesneriad: Primulina Rachel, exhibited by Donna Coleman from Kirkville, NYBest NYSAVS Hybrid Trailer: Vallarta Campanas Moradas, exhibited by Donna Coleman from Kirkville, NYBest Vintage Violet: Juicy, exhibited by Douglas Burdick from Rochester, NYBest NYS Origination: Classic Rock, exhibited by Donna Coleman from Kirkville, NYBest New Introduction: RS-Fire of Desires-sport, exhibited by Ralph & Olive Robinson from Naples, NYBest Mini Gesneriad: Primulina petrocosmoides, exhibited by Penny Moore from Weedsport, NYBest Plant in Novel/Unusual Container: Rob’s Boolaroo, exhibited by Sayeh Beheshti from Toronto, Canada2nd Best in show: Kansas City Barbeque, exhibited by Doug Burdick from Rochester, NYRunner-up Best in Class Sweepstakes: Ma’s Neon Lights, Rob and Olive Robinson from Naples, NYBest Interpretive Plant Arrangement: 1950’s Rock and Roll, exhibited by Sayeh Beheshti from Toronto, CanadaRunner-up to Design Sweepstakes: Barbara Festenstein from Rochester, NYBest Interpretive Flower Arrangement: 1990’s Hubble Telescope, exhibited by Karyn Cichocki from Lafayette, NJBest Design, Tricolor Design: Natural Garden, exhibited by Lee Hoke from Rome, NY2nd Best in Design: Dish garden by Sayeh Beheshti from Toronto, Canada